Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Double Yolker!

Giant egg.  Our bets were that it would be our first double yolker

Sure enough, it was!
I love the adventure of hunting for eggs each day, brown, white, olive, and blue.  Our two of our pullets from our fall batch have started laying white eggs.  Hurrah!

And, if you follow the news about Toeless, she never was incorporated into another coop.  She puts herself up in a dog igloo every night, and we slide a glass window across it for safety.  James calls her Princess and feeds her by hand.  I think we just acquired a pet.  (I'll take it.  She's almost zero maintenance, and she's less annoying to me than a cat or dog.)

Until next time, remember, this is not paradise.  It's Purgatory Ranch.


  1. I love finding double yolkers too! A lot of times my eggs are really long instead of really round and I can't close the carton lid. Oh the little things in life that are so much fun. :)
